MEMBERSHIP information

NEOPAC was originally started by a small group of LGBTQIA2S+ nonprofit leaders in 2020, including members of Plexus and the LGBTQ Community Center of Greater Cleveland. The group has grown and met consistently until 2024, when there was a push to organize differently to meet the increasing threats against our community. After a year of building new infrastructure for how we operate, the coalition was relaunched as the Northeast Ohio Pride in Action Coalition (NEOPAC) in 2025. Membership is now open to NEOPAC, to join us in focusing on collective power and liberation for the most marginalized community members in our group.

Who Can join?

activists, event leaders, & organizers that are part of a community project or event

NONPROFITS that work in LGBTQIA2S+ & intersectional issues

businesses for LGBTQIA2S+ Community

Become a Member of NEOPAC